Before & After Photos 6.15.24

June 15th Home

Cristina, born in Guatemala, is one of five children. Trained as a preschool teacher, she couldn’t get work in her hometown after the pandemic. A year and a half ago, she and her family made sacrifices to put together the $15,000 needed for her to migrate alone to the US, where she stayed in Marin with an acquaintance from their village. Unfortunately, this man was physically abusive and ultimately denied her access to the apartment. 

Before & After Photos 5.11.24

May 11 Sponsored Welcoming

Cristina, born in Guatemala, is one of five children. Trained as a preschool teacher, she couldn’t get work in her hometown after the pandemic. A year and a half ago, she and her family made sacrifices to put together the $15,000 needed for her to migrate alone to the US, where she stayed in Marin with an acquaintance from their village. Unfortunately, this man was physically abusive and ultimately denied her access to the apartment. 

Before & After Photos 4.20.24

Sponsored Welcoming in Marin

Sponsored Welcoming by the Philoptochos Society of the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church Family Story Lily is a wonderful, motivated mom who fights for her kids. She was referred to us by Marin Community Clinics. Lily has 3 boys. Her oldest, at 7, is a happy boy who loves to learn and help others. He also loves to play soccer and watch … Read More

Before & After Photos 4.13.24

Happy child with new toys

Home 1 Lorena was referred to us by North Marin Community Services and lives in Home 1. Lorena left her home country two years ago because of the unsafe political situation. When she came to the Bay Area, she quickly found work in a hair salon. For a year, she shared a bedroom in an apartment with four other women. A male … Read More

Before & After Photos 2.17.24

Home 1 Daughter

Home 1The furnishing of this home was sponsored by the Destino Fund. Welcoming Home and this family are so grateful for the grant that enabled us to help give this family a real home.Ellen, along with her six-year old daughter and two-year-old son, live in Home 1; they were referred to us by Homeward BoundEllen hasn’t had her own home for many … Read More

Before & After Photos 12.21.23

Sponsored Welcoming 12/21 - after

A  Sponsored Marin WelcomingJust before Christmas, on December 21st, a couple who wish to be anonymous jumped in and sponsored the furnishing of a single woman’s home when they heard her story.Jody had been living on the streets for 10 years when she was finally able to get into a womens’ shelter that specializes in PTSD/trauma. She was then on … Read More

Before & After Photos 12.16.23

December 12th Welcoming!

Home #1Magda and her family were referred to us by North Marin Community Services. She, her teen aged daughter and 12-year old son live in Home 1.Four years ago, they came to the U.S. from Guatemala, where they were escaping the violent political situation in their country, as well as domestic violence at home. In the U.S., Magda and her children shared a … Read More

Before & After Photos 12.02.23

December 2 - Sponsored Welcoming

A Marin Welcoming Sponsored by Gaby Federal and Jill KantolaRenee is the picture of resilience, determination and a positive attitude. If you spend a while talking with her, you know she will do whatever it takes to raise her children to be successful and that she, herself, will nail whatever she puts her mind to.  A few years ago, after 13 … Read More

Before & After Photos 06.09.23

Sponsored Welcoming

An Anonymous Sponsor Gives a Family a “New” HomeElisa, her husband and two boys (aged 14 and 10) were living in a small apartment. The landlord decided to remodel and asked them to leave. The family couldn’t afford storage space for their things while they tried to find another home, so they had to give up all their belongings.In the … Read More