Before and After

8/17/2024 – Welcoming Event – Marin County

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Home 1 is where Candace lives, she was referred to us by North Marin Community Services. Candace is a divorced woman with a serious visual condition that prevents her from driving and limits her ability to secure a full-time job. She is also hearing impaired and has been in and out of homelessness for several years since a head injury in 2014. In the past, Candace has worked as a classroom aide for deaf, hearing impaired and special education children. She is currently looking for similar work at a school or center within a commutable distance from her new apartment. For enjoyment, Candace exercises her artistic talents doing art projects with paints and art pencils, making bracelets and woodworking. She also has a special fondness for the beach, boogie boarding and surfing. Having a furnished apartment will provide a stable foundation for Candace to begin her life anew.

Lorena and her husband, along with their two children, are originally from Guatemala; they live in Home 2 and were referred to us by North Marin Community Services. Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, they were managing to support their family with a small food stall. Unfortunately, once they became victims of gang extortion, Lorena’s husband was forced to leave the country. After several attempts, including being separated from the children, they were reunited as a family. For the last two years, all four had been living in a single room at a family member’s house. Through the efforts of North Marin Community Services they were able to secure a small, two-bedroom apartment. Finally, their 11 year old son and 5 year old daughter would be able to have separate rooms. Unfortunately, the only furnishings they had was one old mattress; the kids were sleeping on the floor. Their son, who turns 12 in September, is excited about starting at the local middle school in the Fall and is very interested in learning more about the planets and our solar system. The daughter, who just celebrated her 5th birthday loves pink and all things “princess” related.

Ariel and her three children live in Home 3. Having never known her birth parents, Ariel spent her entire childhood and adolescence living in the Marin County Foster Care System. Moving from one location to the next, at times she was abused.Like so many children in foster care, she did her best to adapt to a way of life that was extremely stressful and vulnerable. At the age of 18, she aged out of the program and was completely on her own. Although she briefly attended The College of Marin, with little financial support or crucial positive role models to turn to for life guidance, Arial soon gave up and over the course of the upcoming years would go on to have three children while working odd jobs to support them. With this said, providing her family with a stable home has been extremely challenging. With local shelters as her only safety net, Ariel and her children have transitioned in and out of them often. Thankfully, that has now changed. Through the good works of Episcopal Community Services, Ariel has qualified for affordable housing and can finally provide her girls with a safe home to put down roots while she builds her growing business as a professional Dog Walker. While this family is extremely grateful for this opportunity, their personal processions are few. To this end, Welcoming Home is honored for the opportunity to assist them in the creation of a warm and comfortable environment that they can call home.

Senalat and Dwight are in Home 4. They have an adorable 18-month-old daughter who is a bundle of energy. The family was referred to us by Homeward Bound. Due to chronic pain issues, the couple has lived in their car and stayed in friends’ homes for the last couple of years. The new baby posed yet another challenge, but one that led them to finally resolve their health issues and focus on establishing a stable life for the family. Both are finally in good health. Senalat wants to be a nurse and eventually work in Pediatrics as a Nurse Practitioner. She will be applying to a nursing program in the fall and is excited for this new life she has been given. Dwight has two more classes until he receives his Associate Degree in Science, and then will work to complete his Business Administration degree through College of Marin. Their toddler is already fascinated with life and loves every second she can explore the world, learn, and leave her mark on it. She is already intrigued by science and has the kindest heart by sharing her toys with anyone. “She is one of the strongest and smartest one and a half year olds in California 😊,” says her Dad.


Aug 17 2024


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