4/29/2023 – Welcoming Event – Sonoma County
Sign-up Link for needed items: 
Here’s a brief introduction to the people we’ll all be helping. They were all referred to us by Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa …
Saul and his three children live in Home 1. They are so happy to be in their lovely, two-bedroom apartment. Saul had spent 14 years as a casino worker, when he lost his job due to contracting covid. He worked for a relative in the moving business for a while, but the pandemic, and local fires created unfavorable economic conditions and that job did not last. He and his family were evicted from their house in Windsor and had to scramble to find shelter. The family camped for a week in a nearby campground prior to moving into a hotel, where they lived just prior to moving into their apartment with the aid of Catholic Charities.
Home 2 is where Josh lives. Five years ago he and his girlfriend had and apartment and he had a good job. Unfortunately, the relationship didn’t work out and at the same time, he got laid off. With nowhere to go, he ended up in a homeless shelter. When his time ran out at the shelter, he began living in his truck, for the last two + years. He is so happy now to have found an apartment and is excited at the prospect of it being furnished by our generous community.
Lisa and her 13-yr-old daughter live in Home 3. They were making ends meet before the pandemic. Although her rent was high, her full-time work as a security guard for a retail location allowed them to stay above water. However, when everything came to a halt in 2020, that position went away. She was offered a transfer to hospital security, but fearing for the safety of her daughter, who has underlying medical issues, she turned it down. Unfortunately, that meant that she was not eligible for unemployment while she found new work. In the months that it took to find a new job, she found herself sinking into a terrible financial position. Bills were piling up and she could not make rent anymore. Not wanting to have an eviction on her record, she left and moved her and her daughter into a motel. They alternated between staying at friends houses and staying in motels until they were able to get iinto Catholic Charity transitional housing. They’ve now moved into their new apartment and feel blessed every day. Lisa says she is learning how to plan for her future and is being smarter with her money while trying to set a better example for her daughter.