2/17/2024 – Welcoming Event – Marin County
Sign-up Link for needed items: 
Home 1 is where Ellen and her 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old son live, they were referred to us by Homeward Bound. She has not had her own home for many years due to addiction issues. Ellen left an abusive relationship and she was able to get into a recovery program that allowed her to keep her kids with her. She transitioned from the program to a group home where the 3 of them shared one room. She was recently let go from a job and is currently looking for a new job. She is focused on finding work and raising her kids, and is very grateful to have a place in which they each have their own room!
Elaine and her family live in Home 2 and 3, they were referred to us by North Marin Community Services. Elaine lived with her grandmother from the age of 6 when Elaine’s mother left Guatemala and moved to the US. Elaine and her husband, finding no work, decided to join her in America and moved here with their oldest son while she was pregnant with her second son. Elaine was finally reunited with her mother after a quarter century apart. For 5 years, they rented a 2BR apt that was filled with mold and little heat, which caused the children to become ill. Now a family of 6, they have just moved into a 3 BR 2 BA house with Elaine’s cousin and her two children along with Elaine’s mother. Eva looks forward to cooking for this large family and having a place for them all to gather together around a table. They are happy to be in a much nicer clean home and are planning to increase their employment as a cleaner and construction worker.
Sophia lives in Home 4 and was referred to us by Marin Center for Independent Living. As a practicing masseuse and Osteopathic Body Worker, Sophia was originally displaced by the lockdown when she lost her business during the pandemic. With no support from family or friends, Sophia had resorted to living out of her car. Finally, after 2 years on a waiting list she was granted a place to live. Although grateful, the mold situation was such that it was unsafe to live in. Once again, Sophia had found herself without a home. Through the good works of The Marin Center for Independent Living and a caring case manager, Sophia was then connected with what seemed to be a very suitable residence to begin the process of rebuilding her life. Sadly, after just two months, Sophia was informed that the buildings had been sold and that luxury apartments would soon replace the complex. Thankfully, with The Marin Center for Independent Living acting as her safety net, Sophia will soon be moving to a very stable apartment in Marin County with a perfect side room to resume her practice as a masseuse and Osteopathic Body Worker. While Sophia is extremely excited to get on with rebuilding her life, it’s been a long journey and her personal belongings have greatly dwindled over the years. To this end, she is also extremely grateful for the help she will receive from our team at Welcoming Home on February 17th to make her new apartment feel like a home.