Before & After Photos 4.20.24

Sponsored Welcoming by the Philoptochos Society of the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church

Family Story

Lily is a wonderful, motivated mom who fights for her kids. She was referred to us by Marin Community Clinics. Lily has 3 boys. Her oldest, at 7, is a happy boy who loves to learn and help others. He also loves to play soccer and watch Sonic. Her 5 year old is a ball of energy and loves to play with his friends and with his Sonic and Mario Bros toys. Her youngest is 2 years old and he is already very independent. Per Mom, he is obsessed with Cocomelon.

Lily has had several misfortunes in the last few years.  She has faced unemployment, evictions, and difficult relationships. That never kept her from continuing to find a job so that she could care for her children. She was able to get the  money together for a down payment for an apartment, but lost her job (her children had medical needs) and the apartment. The family spent two months on the streets until she was able to get a car.

After a few months of living in a car with her children, Lily was able to secure an apartment where she lived with another family. Unfortunately, they had to leave that situation and were about to be homeless once again. After months on a waitlist they finally able to get one.

Lily was already so grateful when the volunteers from the church first met her. It’s been a really rough road for her and the children. They are all thrilled to be in the apartment, even though it was essentially empty when they moved in.

She is  currently working part time. Her hours were drastically cut after the holidays. And she’s now looking for a second job to supplement her income.

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Return Home

The family was so excited and surprised when they returned home. Lily told us she had always dreamed of being able to provide a real home for the boys and that her place now “was like a dream … what I dreamed of but never thought I could give to my boys.”

For their part, the boys were thrilled with their rooms. The oldest got to pick his desk first. The youngest was so happy with his Cocomelon-themed room.

The awesome Philoptochos Society volunteers went out of their way to personalize the family’s “new” home with special touches for each person.

“I don’t know what to say. Just thank you so much,” were the Mom’s parting words.