Home 1
Lorena was referred to us by North Marin Community Services and lives in Home 1.
Lorena left her home country two years ago because of the unsafe political situation. When she came to the Bay Area, she quickly found work in a hair salon.
For a year, she shared a bedroom in an apartment with four other women. A male patron of the hair salon offered her room and board in exchange for cooking and cleaning services. For the first few months, all was well – then she became the victim of physical and sexual abuse. To her credit, Lorena got the police involved; the man was arrested and jailed.
Lorena returned to the shared room arrangement. Then, with the help of North Marin Community Services, she was able to find a nice, small apartment where she finally feels safe and at peace.
Her plan is to get a job in a restaurant or retail. She was already so grateful for finally being able to have a real home even before it was furnished.


Lorena was a little in shock when she walked in. She slowly took it all in and then once that initial shock wore off, moved from room to room speaking excitedly about every little detail that she loved.
She had taken a break from work to see her "new" place and had to return afterwards. While we drove her back, she repeated over and over again how happy and grateful she was. She said she absolutely couldn't wait to get back home!
Home 2
Like Lorena in Home 1, Elodia and her family in Home 2 fled their home country two years ago because it was unsafe due to political conflict.
She has two boys, aged 14 and 6. The family was living in one room of an apartment when Elodia became the victim of domestic violence. Thanks to The Center for Domestic Peace, they were able to escape that situation and move into transitional housing. Then, North Marin Community Services stepped in and helped her find a place to live.
When we first visited Elodia, she was so thankful for all of the people who had helped her so far ... and for the community that was about to donate furniture for her home.
Welcoming Home is so grateful to The Outdoor Art Club for sponsoring this Welcoming; i.e., covering the entire cost!
Lorena said that having a nicely furnished apartment would really be a “dream come true.” It is something she herself is not able to provide for her sons, even though she works more than full time at a restaurant. Once her place is furnished, her boys can pursue their dreams of repairing cars (the 14-year-old) and being an astronaut (the 6-yr-old.)



When the family returned to see their new, fully furnished home, they were clearly overwhelmed. No one knew which room to look in first!!
The 6-yr-old beamed as he clutched his new stuffed friend, and saw his new books and Legos. A very special thanks to Charlie Jeffers of Pass the Bricks. Charlie is a high school student who started a non-profit that collects used Legos. They sanitize and sort them, design “new” sets and distribute them to kids who wouldn’t normally have access to them – either directly or through nonprofit organizations like Welcoming Home.
With tears in her eyes, the mom hugged all the volunteers tightly. Later that day, she sent this message to us:
"I thank you for everything you gave me.
A thousand thanks to all the people who helped me have a home this beautiful. It is like a dream."
Home 3
Levi lives in Home 3; he was referred to us by Ritter Center. A single, 26-year-old man and father of a 4-yr-old daughter, Levi is working his way through some difficult times.
During the pandemic, Levi’s life was turned upside down. He lost his job with a security company when it was forced to close. His long-term relationship with his daughter’s mother fell apart, and Levi had no place to call home. The worst part of these losses has been Levi’s inability to be with his little girl, Kerrie, on a day-to-day basis. He describes this time in his life as, “terribly depressing and heartbreaking.”
Levi had been on a housing waiting list for nearly three years. Finally, in late March, the call came that an apartment was found, and he moved in with an air mattress and a few personal belongings.
With the generous support of Welcoming Home's donors, it will now be possible for Levi and Kerrie, who loves Disney princesses, to be together and build a loving father-daughter relationship in a safe environment. A stable home will also make it possible for Levi to find a good job and contribute to the support of his daughter.


When Levi walked into his previously bare apartment and saw how it had been transformed, he beamed from ear to ear and kept repeating, “You guys did all of this? Wow! I just can’t believe this!”
Levi noticed and commented on every little detail from the hot chocolate mix and live plant to the new sofa and television set. He was especially thrilled to see a Pittsburg Steelers wall clock and throw blanket. He’s a fan!
Levi’s little girl, Kerrie, was unable to be with him for his first tour of the finished apartment, but he expressed how excited she would be to see her Disney princess play area with lots of books and games.
As we wished him luck and bid farewell to Levi, he said, “I don’t have to go out anymore. I want to stay here now because it feels like home. Thank you so much!”