Home #1
Magda and her family were referred to us by North Marin Community Services. She, her teen aged daughter and 12-year old son live in Home 1.
Four years ago, they came to the U.S. from Guatemala, where they were escaping the violent political situation in their country, as well as domestic violence at home. In the U.S., Magda and her children shared a home with an individual who became controlling and abusive. Even though she worked as a house cleaner and contributed equally to the rent, Magda's name wasn’t on the lease. So, when she escaped that relationship, she had no credit in her name and had to couch surf with friends before being able to find a place in transitional housing.
Magda has finally found an apartment for the three of them. She works full time in a dry cleaning business and is studying English every minute she can. Her teen aged daughter wants to be a makeup artist and her son loves soccer.
For the first time in a long time, they feel at peace in their home and are looking forward to a bright future.

Family 1 walked into their new home with big smiles and looks of amazement. Fighting back tears of joy, Mom repeated that it was more beautiful than she ever expected.
Mom and daughter were especially excited about the make-up vanity with lights strung across the top and the beautiful dresser for clothes. The 12-year -old son kept saying “wow” with his jaw hung open as he explored on his own. He beamed when he saw the soccer poster above the bunk bed, exclaiming “He’s my favorite player!”
As we said our goodbyes and left the apartment, with the front door ajar, one volunteer witnessed a heartwarming moment—all three family members were hugging, jumping up and down and repeating “it’s so beautiful!"
Home #2
Lara and her family are in Home 2. They were referred to us by Community Action Marin, who helped them find their home after some very unfortunate circumstances.
Fire damaged the building they were living in and they were given three months notice to move out so that the owner could renovate. Finding somewhere else to accommodate all seven of them, however, proved incredibly difficult and stressful. The three months deadline came and went without having found an apartment. They were forced to leave with only their personal belongings. Their furniture was badly damaged by smoke and a previous infestation of bugs.
The girls moved into a small room, sleeping on the floor; the boys slept in cars outside. Community Action Marin stepped in and they are now finally in their apartment where they can all be together under one roof.

When they opened the front door and saw their new home, the family couldn’t believe their eyes. “How did you do this? I didn’t think you could fit so much in here!" the Mom said, beaming in happiness at the new sleeping area, comfortable living space AND dining table, all tucked into the room that had previously only housed many mattresses.
The young son jumped on his new bed exclaiming “ This is MINE?!” and sprawled happily on the comfortable leather recliner in glee.
As she went from room to room, smiling at the carefully designed spaces with their new beds, pretty curtains and enough storage for all the family members, the Mom thanked all the volunteers profusely, telling us "God should bless you, and keep giving you strength so that you can keep helping others like this, too!"
Home #3
Evan, his wife Faye and their three kids lost their home in a fire last year. They were referred to us by Marin Community Clinic.
They had lived in their apartment for 24 years. The building had been sold to a corporation that evicted some of the tenants to renovate their apartments. Unfortunately, a fire started next door to Evan and his family’s unit and they lost everything except the clothes they were wearing. Evan told us how it was devastating to lose it all in a matter of hours.
After living in temporary accommodations, they are now in a small house in Novato. They had only a few pieces of borrowed and donated furniture.
On December 16, Welcoming Home helped transform their sparse place into a warm, cozy home.

We were able to provide a warm and festive home for this lovely family. Faye had tears in her eyes when she walked into her newly furnished home decorated for the holidays.
She told us how difficult it had been starting over; she was so grateful to us for providing them with the comforts of home.
The son hugged the volunteers and said he couldn’t believe all the things we were able to provide. Later, Dad wrote a touching text thanking us for “providing everything they needed, and making it look so nice. We will have a wonderful Xmas. Thanks for caring about others.”
Home #4
Kitty spent the last 18 months living in her car. She has now moved into a small apartment, Home 4, which we turned into a cozy home where she can make a fresh start. She was referred to us by North Marin Community Services.
Kitty took care of her mother, who had dementia, for eight years. After her mother passed away, Kitty was left homeless as her siblings forced her out of her mother’s house and took all of her belongings.
She is trying to recover her possessions through legal recourse but that takes time. In the meantime, she is thrilled to have a safe and stable place to live.

Kitty was overwhelmed when she returned to her place. She repeated “Oh My God,” over and over again. A few days later, we received the following letter from her daughter.
"Words cannot describe how thankful my mother is for all of your help and services getting her situated in her new space. After living in her car with none of her possessions, it means the world to have a comfortable space to call home.
It brings tears to her eyes when she talks about it & it has greatly improved her quality of life. It is such a large milestone and adjustment to move to a new place after being homeless.
We are both eternally grateful for all the you've done and continue to do! We hope you have a lovely holiday and a Happy New Year!"